Dear users,
To provide more exclusive benefits and ultimate customer service to our users when trading on the spot markets, OceanEx sincerely invites you to be part of the OceanEx VIP Privilege Program.
If your monthly trading volumes on OceanEx exceed 50 BTC (or eqvi. to 50 BTC), you can immediately join this program.
To help users of other exchange platforms get started on OceanEx, show us your trading volumes on other exchanges and we will offer you a VIP tier based on the monthly trading volumes that you would have received if you had traded this volume on OceanEx.
VIP Level | Monthly Trading Volumes-BTC | Maker Fee | Taker Fee |
VIP 1 | 50 | 0 | 0.075% |
VIP 2 | 500 | 0 | 0.060% |
VIP 3 | 1,000 | 0 | 0.040% |
VIP 4 | 5,000 | 0 | 0.020% |
VIP 5 | 10,000 | 0 | 0.010% |
VIP 6 | 20,000 | 0 | 0.005% |
- For VIP Clients, you CAN NOT use Trading Fee Discount function once you join the VIP Privilege Program.
- VIP Clients in this program CAN NOT be involved in OceanEx Referral Program.
- High-quality market maker strategies are preferred.
- Applications received before the 15th of the month will be assessed intra-month. Applications received after the 15th will be reviewed in the next month.
- OceanEx reserves the right of the final explanation.
Application Method:
Send the following information to
- Your OceanEx Email account (we will contact you via this Email address)
- Your Telegram ID
- Proof of trading volumes or market making volumes (for example, volumes on OceanEx or any other exchanges)
Thanks for your support! Looking forward to your participation!
OceanEx Team
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