Dear users,
Crypto Prophets [BTC Special] event has completed successfully!
During the event, hundreds of "prohets" joined in our event, betting on the BTC price they predicted, shared them on Twitter and other channels to enhance their fame and influence. We sincerely appreciate all your support and contributions to our event!
In the event session 1 - Predict BTC/USDT Price to Share 300K OCE, there is no one successfully predicted the price (all the integer digits), so we selected out the one whose predicted price was the most proximate to the BTC price.
The Winning Numbers is $9507 while the winner's predicted price is $9508.
In the event session 2 - Best Promotor Prize, there were also hundreds of OceanExers invited their friends to register our platform. The first 100 inviter-invitee pairs have been rewarded with this part of rewards.
The rewards of the events above have been distributed into all the winners accounts. You can check the rewards distribution history at your registered Email accounts. You can also click "Balances" under the "Funds" option to check your rewards.
Congratulations to the winners of the events! Thanks for your support!
OceanEx Team
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