Before you close your account, please make sure you have no assets in your OceanEx account.
1. On the homepage on your OceanEx APP, find the" " icon at the upper right corner,then click it to go to enter the "Account " management function.
2. In "Account" management function, find and click"Security".
3. In "Security", find and click"Close account".
4. Here you will see a reminder of the relevant terms.
5. If you have decided to close the account, please tick all these terms, after each tick, you will see the following reminders.
6. Please be sure to confirm that there are no assets in your account. After confirmation, please click “CONFIRM DELETION” to submit.
Important Notice: Once a request to close your account is submitted, your account will be automatically and irrevocably closed. Therefore, please double-check before submitting.