How to add liquidity
1. Get into Liquidity
On the upper side of EntropyX homepage, please click ENTSwap in the menu bar then click “Liquidity” to start using the Liquidity function .
2. Click”Add Liquidity" to get to the next step.
3.Please select a pair where you want to add liquidity to. Here we will take BNB and USDT as an example.
When you have chosen the respective pair, please choose the fee tier that you are willing to charge.
4.Input the token amount that you would like to provide to the pool and set a price range which is reasonable for you.
Please be aware that you should always be ready to observe and manage your pool as the market trends.
About the tap button:Please be reminded that adding liquidity always needs two kinds of tokens you selected at the beginning. Take BNB/USDT for example(we will call the upper token as token A, the lower token as token B), when you only have BNB(token A) assets in your connected wallet, turning on the tap button will help you to automatically swap part of your BNB assets into USDT(token B) to make sure you are able to add liquidity successfully.
5. Click “Approve USDT” to move to the next steps.
6. Take MetaMask for example. When it's the first time you use “Liquidity” products on EntropyX, an interface like below will show up once you click " Approve USDT”. You will have to set an amount for the “Custom spending cap”. This means you are setting the amount limitation for the third party(here means EntropyX) in using USDT.
Friendly reminder: On Metamask Wallet, if you want to add liquidity successfully in this section, the “Custom spending cap” you put in should be greater than the USDT amount which you have set in step 5.
7. Click “Approve” to move to the next step.
8. Please wait a moment for the transaction to get finished. Once it is done successfully, a message like below will pop-up on the lower right corner to remind you a "Approve Successfully".
9. After you approved this transaction in your connected wallet successfully, please carefully check the selected pair, provided token, fee tier, price range before you get to the next step. After confirming all the above mentioned information, then click the “Create” button to add liquidity.
10. Confirm the transaction on the connected wallet.
11. Please wait a moment for the transaction to get finished. Once it is done successfully, a message like below will pop-up on the lower right corner to remind you a "Add Liquidity Successfully".
Congratulations, you’ve successfully added liquidity!
If you want to check the detailed information of this transaction,please navigate to the block chain explorer as the arrow indicates.
12. Please navigate to the Liquidity page to check the current provided position, including the specific range, fee rate, and NFT ID etc.
13. To claim the swap fee for providing liquidity, please click “Collect”.
14. To add more liquidity to the current existing position, please simply click at “Add”.
Please be aware that you can not change the fee rate and the price range of the existing position. You will have to create a new position if you want to change the fee rate and the price range.
How to remove liquidity
1.To remove liquidity, please find and click “Remove” on the liquidity page.
2. When you have decided to remove liquidity, please click “Remove”.
Friendly reminder: Please think carefully before you operate removals. Once the liquidity is removed successfully, it can not be reversed.
3. Check the gas fee for removing the liquidity, then click “Confirm”.
4. Wait for the transaction to get successful in the blockchain. Once it’s done successfully, a pop-up message will appear in the lower right corner to show you a “ Remove Successfully”.
5. If you want to check the detailed information of this transaction,please navigate to the block chain explorer as the arrow indicates.